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How to Understand Why You Are Late and Train a Habit of Punctuality

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Why You Are Late and Train a Habit of Punctuality – Constant lateness is fraught with trouble — from quarrels with loved ones to career failures. If you have already been dubbed unpunctual, do not despair: you can get rid of this label. Let’s find out how to finally pull yourself together and stop being late.

Six Questions to the Latecomer: Answer Them Honestly

Don’t rush to try time management and various psychological tricks to develop punctuality. They won’t work unless you figure out the real reasons for your tardiness. To discover them, ask yourself a few questions.

Where Exactly Are You Late to?

If you are late only to certain places, there is a good chance that you don’t want to be there, that is, something causes you rejection. For example, you come to meetings with friends on the clock, and at work, you get late.

In this case, you need to understand who or what repels you. Maybe some tasks seem overwhelming or uninteresting. Once you find the irritating factor and try to overcome it, the tardiness will probably end.

Why Are You Late?

Sometimes it’s a way to draw attention to yourself and follow far-fetched rules. For example, it’s a common belief that a girl should be late for a date so that the man in the minutes of waiting thought about her and worried. This approach is questionable. Constant tardiness in the end causes irritation.

There can be other reasons for being late. For example, you started playing at the Playamo casino India a few minutes before going out with friends or began chatting with your mom an hour before work meeting.

How Important Is Reputation to You?

Anyone is more willing to deal with someone who is responsible for their words and actions. Think about whether it’s important for you to leave a good impression of yourself and pursue a long-term relationship. If you value your time and reputation highly, treat others the same way.

Do You Want to Show Respect and Care?

Imagine yourself in the shoes of the person who is waiting. What emotion do they have? Perhaps these are irritation, sadness, and anger. You hardly want to experience them, so why are you spoiling the mood of others?

Developing empathy is a powerful motivator. It allows you to look at yourself from the outside and start changing for the better.

How Adequately Do You Plan Your Day?

It’s impossible to predict how long it will take to complete the tasks you need to accomplish during the day. However, it’s worth making at least a rough estimate. Consider whether you are taking on too much. For example, you want to wash the dishes, iron the curtains, answer work emails, help your child with lessons, tidy up and get to a meeting on time. Stop and recognize that you won’t have time to do everything. Prioritize and reduce the number of things you have to do. The same curtains can be ironed tomorrow.

Are You Often Accused of Being Late?

Maybe it was once profitable for you to be late for something. As a result, it became a habit that spread to all areas of life. Now people call you perpetually late, and you subconsciously strive to maintain such an image, even if it brings trouble. Don’t despair: you can get rid of any habit if you really want to.

Simple Rules of Punctuality

Use an Analog Clock

A dial with a hand is often more effective for scheduling than an electronic one. It’s easier to keep track of what chunks of time it took to complete different tasks, which can help you stop being late.

Set Extra Time Aside

If the drive to the movie theater takes 20 minutes, it doesn’t mean that’s enough time for you to arrive at the start of the show. Think about traffic, finding a parking space, waiting in line for tickets, buying popcorn, and setting aside at least another half hour. Proceed this way with every endeavor: visualize the risks and consider your options.

Learn to Hit the Brakes on Time

Finish all work or other procrastinating activities an hour before your expected departure time. In this way, you will gradually adjust to the meeting and calmly pack.

Set an Alarm Clock

An alarm clock can be a great help for those who get too immersed in an activity and get lost in time. It will signal when you need to leave the house, start an online meeting or head to bed. So don’t think of it solely as a morning accessory.

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